Wider Plan is an ethical family business and we’re committed to donating at least 5% of our profits to charitable causes. Our ethics affect every aspect of our operations, from the way we care about clients to the way we treat our staff. We work with employers nationwide and our donations reflect the regional distribution of our customers. As well as working with nationwide charities, we often support local charities which have been nominated by our clients.
We are also aware of the many needs of communities overseas and we have chosen World Vision as our long-term partner for overseas aid and development. World Vision’s work includes responding to emergencies, advocacy for long-term change, and development projects which empower people to leave poverty behind. We have made a long-term commitment to World Vision to help them plan the funding of development projects. Our donations are mainly being used to support a children’s drop-in centre in Cambodia and the roll-out of education in the Niger.
Closer to home, we have made a commitment to provide regular support to Action for Children. With a focus on vulnerable children and young people in the UK, Action for Children works hard to make a difference.
We are proud to be carbon-neutral and for several years we have offset our carbon footprint by making donations to Worcestershire Wildlife Trust. The WWT uses our donations to fund the growth and maintenance of local woodlands, preserving green areas for future generations.

We are proud to support…